literacy narrative

    On the first day of  Freshman Inquiry Seminar class, Ms. K passed out two pieces of media and asked us how we felt about it. I might have seen see those two images before. But now I know the background of the images more after we discussed in the class. At first sight, those two images are similar in the condition they both face. However, Ruby Bridges’ condition totally differs from Betsy DeVos’; one is an African American young girl, another is a billionaire. I start pondering who would compare a girl who only wants fair education to a woman full of power and money.

      Two images are related to school. Norman Rockwell created the painting in 1964. The first African-American to walk into the all-white school in New Orleans. Also with some guards protecting her. The purpose of the painting is to inform that everyone can be Ruby Bridges. Just say no to the unfairness. Glenn McCoy drew the political cartoon in 2017. Betsy DeVos tried to visit a public school in D.C., however no one welcomed her. The purpose of a political cartoon is to entertain. Since she is different from the previous Secretary of Education, many people protested her.

      The painting of Ruby Bridges is both nonfiction and historical. She was the first person to walk into a white school during apartheid. Moreover, she is the youngest protester to fight for equal rights. And the image of Betsy DeVos is a political cartoon. I still like both the political and historical painting, because they made the boring history more interesting. Also, they gives me a strong sense of picture that I can always remember this event.

        The book “The Colors of Water” by James Mcbride is similar in setting to Ruby Bridges. First, they both are related to how African American fought for their rights. Second, they both described how they were treated unequally. In the book, an African Americans cannot marry a white person. If they got married, townspeople would kill the African Americans. Then the white woman or man be evicted. This is not fair at all. Why they can not marry with the one they love. And Ruby cannot get the same education as a white child.

        Before discussing the two images in class, I didn’t know the difference between those two images. Instead, they were similar because the picture had some similarities. After the discussion in class, I knew that Betsy DeVos was a  powerful woman. Also she was not worthy of any sympathy. Ruby Bridges was a little girl who made outstanding contributions, to create an equal education opportunities for us. In my whole life, I never make any brave actions like Ruby. Hope I can learn from her. Be brave, be strong.

     The audience of the political cartoon is young liberal. Because young people are more receptive to new reforms, new things, changes than the elderly. Liberal’s idea is that all races are equal. Segregation was common during different times in American history, and this made it extremely hard for people of color or immigrants to find a good education and live a normal life.

       The significance of viewing the images in class is to have a better understanding of history and society. I feel racism still exists today. However, today is much better than in the past. My opinion on political cartoon has changed. I should not just look at a political cartoons and believe everything in it is true. From now on I will look deeper on the situation to determine if the image is showing the truth

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